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The business of film, television & new media production in the Northeast
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The business of film, television & new media production in the Northeast
Film Tax Credits Working in Quincy

Film Tax Credits Working in Quincy

The City of Quincy, Massachusetts is known as “The City of Presidents” because founding father and second President of the United States John Adams and his eponymous son President John Quincy Adams lived here. John Hancock, a Quincy resident, successful merchant and a...
Saving the Mass Film Tax Credit

Saving the Mass Film Tax Credit

First the good news: I am happy to report that my surgery early in March was a complete success! Cancer free and pathologies negative. It has been a long battle for me, but failing has never been an option in my mind. I still have radiation to go, but for now, I’m...
Steve Ross: Giving Back To America

Steve Ross: Giving Back To America

by Roger Lyons It began as a simple assignment—to produce one-minute profiles of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. One turned out to be an inspiring story, worthy of a feature-length film. The subject was Holocaust survivor Steve Ross, founder of the New...