- City of Boston
- Office of Special Events, Tourism & Film
- Patricia Papa, Director of Film Bureau
- One City Hall Square
- Room 802
- Boston, MA 02201-2013
- Patricia.Papa@boston.gov
- (617) 828-2509
- Boston Location Film Permits
- You will need permits from several departments to film in the City of Boston. We can help guide you through the process.
- John Hutchinson Location Scout
- John Hutchinson Location Scout
- John Hutchinson
- hutchscout@gmail.com
- (518) 965-4590
- (518) 671-6165
- http://www.hutchinsonlocations.com
- Location scout for the Berkshires, Western Massachusetts.
- Maine Film Office
- Maine Film Office
- Karen Carberry Warhola, Director
- 59 State House Station
- Augusta, ME 04333
- Karen.CarberryWarhola@maine.gov
- 207 624-9828
- 207 287-8070 fax
- www.filminmaine.com
- Motion Cyc Studios
- Motion Cyc Studios
- Bret Upham
- 162 Columbus Ave
- 1st Floor
- Boston, MA 02116
- bret@finishboston.com
- (617) 292-0082
- http://motioncyc.com
- Motion is a 20 x 20 ft cyc stage with 13 ft ceilings.
- Ventfort Hall Mansion and Gilded Age Museum
- Ventfort Hall Mansion and Gilded Age Museum
- Beverly Rainey
- 104 Walker St.
- Lenox, MA 01240
- Beverly@gildedage.org
- (413) 637-3206
- http://www.GildedAge.org
- Elegant, artisan crafted 1893 Jacobean-Revival mansion for film location.