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The business of film, television & new media production in the Northeast
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The business of film, television & new media production in the Northeast
Nantucket: Before, Between and After the Films

Nantucket: Before, Between and After the Films

By Gene Mahon When you’re not watching a film at this year’s Nantucket Film Festival, you’ll need to eat and you should make some time to explore the island. Here are some suggestions for both. New Restaurants Nantucket is a gastronomic paradise, but it seems to get...
Robin Rapoport Likes the Intimacy of Film

Robin Rapoport Likes the Intimacy of Film

By Robin Rapoport I started acting at the age of six years old. I had a severe lisp as a child and my speech therapist suggested performing as a way of improving it. I joined a local theater group and as soon as I stepped onstage for the first time, playing the role...
KIM GORDON: Mainer Makes Boston Work for Her

KIM GORDON: Mainer Makes Boston Work for Her

Growing up in the north Jersey suburbs meant regular bus trips into NYC for theater with my best friend. I loved it all: musicals, naturally, but also dark dramas, edgy comedies, elaborately costumed classics and even a few operas at the Met from top balcony seats....