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The business of film, television & new media production in the Northeast
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The business of film, television & new media production in the Northeast

Imagine News January 2018 CoverIn our Women Who Work in the Industry Special Edition, IMAGINE has never had so many women
from a single workplace on the cover or in the pages in an article together.

The Nine Women Who Fuel ELEMENT Productions is the biggest ever! Until I called Eran Lobel, ELEMENTS Founder and CEO, even he didn’t realize that he had more women working for him than men. He says, “Women run this company,” and I believe him.

On our cover left to right are Producer Margaux Stunzi, Director/Photographer Kim Lowe, Editor Kat Baker, Senior Post Producer Kim DeRosa, Office Manager Sydney Charvat, Executive Producer Kristen Kearns, Account Coordinator Julia Keefe, Creative Manager Jessica Wade and Production Manager Kaitlyn Medeiros.

Executive Producer Kristen Kearns is definitely the boss. Eran says, “she is an amazing leader and has built a strong team of men and women around her. For the past seven years Kristen has led the company to be a powerhouse resource for internal and external agencies. She and I have also produced dozens of TV shows and films together as well as embarked on new media and new media initiatives that have
allowed us to continue to grow and learn in our careers.”

Read what each woman on this remarkable team had to say about working for Kristen at ELEMENT Productions. There are great lessons to be learned here. IMAGINE spent the better part of the day with this strong and talented group of women and we see they “click.” They are happy, know their jobs and love to come to work every day.

Eran added, “I’m honored to be working with such an amazing group of women.”

This Special Edition is filled with stories about Women Who Work in our Industry.

Our cover photo was captured by Carolyn Ross of Carolyn Ross Photography, and our cover design in by IMAGINE Design Editor Monique Walton.