The Love Guide follows the life of chicken farmer Millie Bartlett as she attempts to accomplish her dream of transitioning her family’s inhumane warehouse-style chicken farm into a free range chicken farm. This kind of transition is costly, and as Millie and her family are struggling financially, she coincidentally meets Angelica Lovecraft, host of the late night reality show, “Cut the Crap.” In order to bolster funding for her chicken farm endeavors, Millie agrees to be the next guest on Angelica’s show. From that point, “Cut the Crap” descends upon the Bartlett family like a tornado, and through a whirlwind of emotional events, Angelica Lovecraft attempts to reveal to Millie the crap in her life that needs to be cut.
Year Made: 2011
Link to Film:
Name: Christy Cashman
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 6172472228
Company/Organization Name: Saint Aire
Address: 376 Boylston St. Suite 202 Boston, MA 02116