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The business of film, television & new media production in the Northeast
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The business of film, television & new media production in the Northeast

Curtis Reid. Photo by Dana Starbard.

Curtis Reid. Photo by Dana Starbard.

Curtis Reid is a fresh face on the Boston film scene whose unbridled enthusiasm and make-it-happen attitude have put Curtis on the map as an actor to watch.

During the last year this young local actor was involved with three web-series, eight features, two local commercials, and over a dozen short and student films. He proudly reports that a handful of the projects have been submitted to film festivals and some have already been selected and screened throughout the country. One of his best moments from the summer was working with Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy on THE HEAT and alongside Julia Stiles on the set of THE MAKEOVER, which recently premiered on Lifetime.

When Curtis isn’t going to auditions or heading to set he spends his time as a Therapeutic Mentor for adolescents/teens with disabilities and emotional disturbances. The position allows him the flexibility to pursue his acting career, while also balancing a work life and his interest in human services.

Curtis advocates that New England is a great place to start a career in acting, explaining how the sense of community amongst filmmakers here is not only reassuring for a relatively new actor, but also a huge reason for Curtis’ recent success. In addition to working through local casting agencies like Boston Casting, CP Casting and others, it’s the community based Facebook groups which have provided opportunities forCurtis to not only find new gigs but also to network with other filmmakers and build important industry relationships.

In addition to acting, Curtis recently started producing and editing his own projects in hopes of experiencing and learning more on both sides of the camera. In February alone Curtis will be working as a producer for a short film called, KILLING KHAN (featuring some amazing local talent) as well as acting in a feature film called THE LAST DIARY OF NIKITA ROSE (Merritt Films) and introducing a new web series called “The Cold Read.” In addition to these upcoming projects, Curtis is also excited for the release of LONESOME THOUGHTS (Polearm Productions, LLC), COLLECTIVE ANGER (Of the Lake Productions) and several other projects that
are currently in post-production.

Reid reflects on the past season with gratitude and anticipates 2013 to become the most successful year for production, media, and filmmaking in New England to date.

If you want to connect with Curtis send him an email at or check out his fan page at He also can be found on IMDB (Internet Movie Database) at:

“Spotlight” is a new feature in IMAGINE Magazine. Look for it to read about exciting talent working in New England. You can contact Erica, our “Spotlight” editor at