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The business of film, television & new media production in the Northeast
imagine magazine logo
The business of film, television & new media production in the Northeast

Get Listed in the New England Production Guide

Would you like to have your name or business seen by producers and production managers nationwide?

It’s easy.

Just get listed in our Online New England Production Guide!

List your Production Industry related business, Talent (Actors, Voice Over and Stunt), Creative Skills, Services, Equipment Sales & Rentals, Catering, Insurance, Professional Organizations, Film Festival, Work Shops, Seminars, Schools & Learning, Locations, Prop Houses, and Production Houses, Technology, Studios, Set Construction, Transportation and more!

All listings include your name, your company’s name, address (if wanted), phone number, clickable email link, your website’s url and a brief description of your services.

There is one category per listing. If you would like to list yourself in more than one category that’s great! However, you will need to fill out a form and pay for each category

Choose your listing type

Listing with 10 Word Description

For a listing that includes a 10 word description of you or your business to fill out the form and purchase a $25 listing.

Listing with a 25 Word Description

If you would like to include a longer description (up to 26 words) to fill out the form and purchase a $50 listing.

Upgrade Your Listing!

Do you have a listing with us already and want to upgrade from a 10 word to a 26 word description? to upgrade.

Renew Your Current Listing

Want to simply renew your previous listing? .