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The business of film, television & new media production in the Northeast
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The business of film, television & new media production in the Northeast

by Justin Nelson

Tiffany Crosby. Photo by Kim Kennedy.

Tiffany Crosby. Photo by Kim Kennedy.

Performing ignites the fire within my soul that couldn’t spark before, and now aglow, my journey with fate has begun! – Tiffany Crosby

After forty-five minutes emptying her stomach in a retching marathon Tiffany Crosby emerged from the bathroom, got to her mark, and proceeded to deliver her lines beautifully. Its funny that this is the image that pops to my head when I think of Tiffany, and I know she would highly approve of this because that is her sense of humor. Commitment and dedication are two things you are guaranteed to get when she signs on for a project.

Tiffany Crosby in THE RECEPTION. Photo by Justin Nelson.

Tiffany Crosby in THE RECEPTION. Photo by Justin Nelson.

I met Tiffany at a casting call for a film I was shooting called “The Reception” she came in and immediately I had a good vibe about her. After her audition I mentioned to my producer how fun she was at an audition. In the end I ended up not casting Tiffany for a speaking part but I liked her so much I asked her if she would play a non-speaking role for me. She was thrilled to come and do the work she said she just wanted to be part of the project. That separated her in my mind from most actors because she didn’t care about the size of the part. She was clearly of the mind “that there are no small parts, only small actors” and I loved that about her.

Just before production I had an actor drop and I cast Tiffany. Casting Tiffany turned out to be one of the best decisions I could have made. She brought that unique blend of professionalism and humor to the set that helped out on those stressful days. Tiffany is one of those special people who can rise to the occasion. While shooting her character’s most intense scene, she was opposite another accomplished actress and she stood toe to toe with her every step of the way.

She is always learning whether it’s reading a book on acting, learning the art of stand up comedy, taking on plays or writing her own sketch comedies. That is what separates the good from the great so she is doing an excellent job distinguishing herself from her peers. Besides one hundred percent committed and dedicated, if you get nothing from Tiffany you will at least laugh your ass off. Any woman that can start her stand-up set with “I’m just so glad I didn’t shit my pants…” is someone I want on my set.

Visit Tiffany at,, Follow Tiffany on twitter @TiffanyCCrosby or pages/Tiffany-C-Crosby.

To contact Tiffany directly, email and ask about her Capturing The Dream Episodic Newsletter!

Justin Nelson, 33, is a senior film student, part-time actor, and aspiring writer/director attending Fitchburg State University.