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The business of film, television & new media production in the Northeast
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The business of film, television & new media production in the Northeast

Carol with Senator Sal DiDomenico

Big day today for our industry as Film Tax Credits remain intact through the budget reconciliation process. I believe Governor Baker will sign what the Legislature delivers to his desk on our issue.

We must go way, out of our way, to thank our legislators who supported us, especially those on the Committee of Conference who seriously worked overtime and with results in our favor.

I want to personally thank Senator Sal DiDomenico from the critically important committee tasked with resolving difference between House and Senate budget proposals. I met with him last week in behalf of our industry and he told me this was a serious challenge, much more so than in the past.

He is a big supporter of our industry and I know he fought for the economic development we have fostered for the cities and towns of Massachusetts while we’ve created an industry befitting our region’s high tech prowess and creative talents. Send him a note of thanks:

There are so many legislators to thank; be sure you thank yours.

I do want to reiterate, “we dodged a bullet today!” Amendment #38 was a serious assault. It overwhelmed me when 23 Senators of 38 (2 vacancies for election open) stood against our interests in a vote for Amendment #38. Only nine Senators stood for us.

We have much work to do and must get started ASAP.

I’ll have more on what we can do to hopefully stave off future assaults on our Film Tax Credits in my Take Two coming to you next week.

Expressing my gratitude,

Carol Patton

