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The business of film, television & new media production in the Northeast
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The business of film, television & new media production in the Northeast

Actor Jan Waldman was a guest at a small TV station in New Hampshire in 2015. After her appearance as a guest, she was invited to be the show’s new host. And why wouldn’t they as Jan is curious and curious people ask really good questions. She is also outgoing, bright and beautiful and has a very nice smile. “I jumped at the chance,” she said, “since it has always been my dream to work in this field. After
completing thirteen episodes and driving a great distance every week, I thought ‘why not check out a closer Public Access TV station’?’’

TV Host of Entertainment Plus, Jan Waldman with Kim Cutler, Executive
Director of Myopia Horse Show. Photo courtesy of Jan Waldman.

SATV in Salem, Massachusetts became her new station and its ProductionManager, Steve Spencer, became her new partner. In January the pair celebrated its first year.

Jan told IMAGINE, “In one year, Steve and I have filmed sixteen spots in the field and on set putting together eleven episodes of Entertainment Plus to date. We run the gamut on the type of shows we produce from actors to polo ponies, to rum manufacturers.

“Steve and I are the producers and Steve is the editor and cameraman for each shoot. My preparation begins with extensive research, googling, reading and watching any available information on my subject as well as any information they provide. I prefer not to do a pre-interview because I believe it takes away from the spontaneity of the interview.

Even with all the preparation, Steve’s editing always saves the day. In particular, one interviewee began every answer with, “No…” It was an editing nightmare but Steve managed to salvage the interview for on air. Our goal is to provide quality Public Access programing that will eventually be picked up across the country at Public Access TV stations which is now happening for Entertainment Plus. Our line-up for the year will continue to be a broad mix of topics that appeal to a wider audience.

Jan’s story exemplifies how one small effort can turn into something important that you’ve wanted to do all your life. And good guests do become TV hosts. Think Jay Leno on Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show.