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The business of film, television & new media production in the Northeast
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The business of film, television & new media production in the Northeast

Our cover story this month looks at how Dennis Serpone became an executive producer for the film SWEENEY KILLING SWEENEY and how that experience caused the film bug to bite. He discovered it took his whole life to discover what he does best. And that’s working with productions to raise money for them.

I hope you enjoy reading about his journey and how meeting certain people who served as stepping stones over a substantial period of time created this new opportunity. He discovered a lot of things about himself and he loved meeting the actors and comedians in SKS movie.

Now he is looking for more opportunities to exercise his new found skills. Our cover photo was captured by Carolyn Ross Photography in the picturesque lobby of The Charles Hotel in Harvard
Square. The cover design is by IMAGINE’s Design Editor Monique Walton.