As fellow filmmakers we at the Mass Indie Film Fest understand the importance of reaching the right audience. Our goal since starting the festival has been to give filmmakers the exposure they need to help their films find a wide and appreciative audience. We want to...
The Buzzards Bay Film Festival is a celebration of Buzzards Bay, a 233-square mile estuary in Southeastern Massachusetts nestled between the mainland shore, western Cape Cod, and the Elizabeth Islands. The Buzzards Bay Film Festival will focus on the Bay, its...
Title: Woods Hole Film Festival Location: Woods Hole Film Festival PO Box 624 Woods Hole, MA 02543 Link out: Click here Description: The 21st Woods Hole Film Festival is an eight day event featuring daily screenings, workshops, special events, music, parties and more...
Title: Nantucket Film Festival Location: Nantucket, MA Link out: Click here Description: The Nantucket Film Festival was founded by brother and sister team Jill and Jonathan Burkhart in 1996 to promote the cultural awareness and appreciation of the fine art of...
Title: Rhode Island International Film Festival Location: 83 Park Street Providence, RI 02903 Link out: Click here Description: Flickers 30th Anniversary Year: The FLICKERS: Rhode Island International Film Festival (RIIFF) discovers and empowers filmmakers. Held in...